Bose Music

The Story
Bose’s first app, SoundTouch, was created primarily to help facilitate grouping speakers in your home. They later launched a bluetooth companion app, Connect, that allowed users to personalize their product experience. Bose Music looked to connect the two of those ecosystems into one app that could control all of your Bose products. We were charged with taking the best parts of both of the experiences and mashing them together, while adding new features, new products and a new app architecture. As you can imagine, it was a very challenging endeavor.
My Role
I was creative lead on the project (with tons of help from Graeme Reed, Kelly Capek, Emily Ellis, Wenhan Lin and many many others). I was responsible for the UI / UX of the experience. As a design team, we also used this as an opportunity to evolve and elevate the design language that Graeme and I had created for Bose Connect. As a testament to this work, Bose continues to use this design language in all their apps.